

“An entrepreneur isn’t someone who owns a business, it’s someone who makes things happen.”

Tips for entrepreneurs; productivity hacks, delegation, visibility, social media, personal branding, how to organize events and workshops, get the best references, and much more.

Organizing a workshop or retreat


Organizing a workshop or retreat is a great way to share your knowledge and experience. Think about something that you are good at, something that you get a lot of questions about from others. Then organize a workshop – preferably in an inspiring place. It is easier than you think.

Organizing a workshop or retreat2023-06-08T14:26:44+02:00

Turn anything in to a business – Inspiration shot May 2018


Turn anything in to a business - Inspiration shot May 2018 Turn anything into a business - inspiration shot May "How do you manage to turn anything that happens to you into a business or fun project?” Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be a struggle. However, opportunities are [...]

Turn anything in to a business – Inspiration shot May 20182022-08-27T15:50:53+02:00



Choices Many people feel stressed or even paralyzed because they have too many choices. Lately I have been asked to contribute to seminars, webinars and masterclasses on this topic. I came to the following analysis/exercise. Map your choices on two axis: how much do you enjoy [...]


Tips for speakers


When Facebook showed me the picture below as a memory of 5 years ago, I decided to share some tips and 'do's & don'ts' for aspiring speakers. All of these come from my experience in more than 1000 keynotes and 2 TEDx speeches in the past 18 years as a professional speaker.

Tips for speakers2024-06-15T15:39:36+02:00

Why don’t you have a Virtual Assistant yet?


Why don’t you have a Virtual Assistant (VA) yet? Are you still doing everything yourself? Discover the power of virtual employees and remote teams to help run, support, and grow your business. You can outsource almost any task. There are qualified people out there who enjoy doing what [...]

Why don’t you have a Virtual Assistant yet?2022-08-27T16:29:06+02:00

7 tips for more effective, efficient meetings


7 tips for more effective, efficient meetings While I was co-creating with the South African games developer RetroEpic, I compiled a list of simple tips to have better meetings. I know lots of organizations struggle with this issue, so sharing these tips might help some. If you like [...]

7 tips for more effective, efficient meetings2022-08-27T16:38:11+02:00

Meet My Team


Meet My Team Proud to introduce you to my team Many people think that I am a 'lone' wolf', which is kind of true. But I cannot do what I do all by myself. I am backed up by an amazing team of professional free-lancers located all over [...]

Meet My Team2022-08-27T16:38:38+02:00

Social Media


Social Media I love sharing inspiration and getting inspired via social media. My Klout score of 70-72 puts me in the top 10% of influencers world wide. Many people ask me what channels I use and how. Whether you follow me for inspiration, or to see how I [...]

Social Media2023-01-01T11:28:31+01:00

7 things I’ve learned from successful digital nomads


7 things I’ve learned from successful digital nomads DC BCN 2016 In June I was in Barcelona for DCBCN: my first Dynamite Circle conference. Successful location independent entrepreneurs from all over the world shared their experiences and tips. I made a list of my 7 most important [...]

7 things I’ve learned from successful digital nomads2022-12-29T12:34:35+01:00

Four and a half months of travel: the facts


Four and a half months of travel: the facts From Nov 2015 till April 2016 I cruised from Spain to Brazil, traveled in South and North America and finally took a luxury cruise back to Europe. Do you have to be rich to live like this? No. Do you [...]

Four and a half months of travel: the facts2022-08-27T16:40:41+02:00
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