

“That what makes us most vulnerable is also the source of our greatest strength”

You can’t share your important message if you are invisible. Personal branding, free publicity, and social media; they are not goals in themselves, but a means to get your message out to the world. Do this in a personal, authentic way to build long-term relationships.

Are you using your ‘shop window’ the right way?


Net als veel andere creatievelingen deed en doe ik heel veel verschillende dingen. Ik vind dat leuk, ik ben er goed in en ik help er anderen mee. Maar steeds vaker kreeg ik de vraag: “Wat DOE je nu eigenlijk?” Er stond zoveel op mijn website, dat bezoekers door de bomen het bos niet meer zagen.

Are you using your ‘shop window’ the right way?2022-08-18T18:10:24+02:00

Learn with me?


This summer – during a heatwave (!) – I recorded my Dutch online program ‘Zo schrijf je een boek!’. Around 60 videos with all my tips and examples of how to write, promote, and publish your book. I really enjoyed creating this e-course (except for the heatwave…) and I am happy and proud that it helps so many writers with their books. Would you like to learn with me?

Learn with me?2022-08-18T19:05:25+02:00

The power of social media – Inspiration shot July 2018


The power of social media - Inspiration shot July 2018 Real interaction. Connection. Creativity. Solutions for real problems. Social media is a powerful tool. In this inspiration shot I would like to share the three most unusual ways in which I have personally used the platforms that some call [...]

The power of social media – Inspiration shot July 20182022-08-27T15:47:19+02:00

Visibility in 2018 – Inspiration Shot December 2017


Visibility in 2018 - Inspiration Shot December 2017 "Practice what you post..." You have probably noticed that I am pretty active and open on social media. It hasn't always been like this. In fact I am a pretty private person. But long before the internet started I learned [...]

Visibility in 2018 – Inspiration Shot December 20172022-08-27T16:09:26+02:00

Tips for speakers


When Facebook showed me the picture below as a memory of 5 years ago, I decided to share some tips and 'do's & don'ts' for aspiring speakers. All of these come from my experience in more than 1000 keynotes and 2 TEDx speeches in the past 18 years as a professional speaker.

Tips for speakers2024-06-15T15:39:36+02:00

Social Media


Social Media I love sharing inspiration and getting inspired via social media. My Klout score of 70-72 puts me in the top 10% of influencers world wide. Many people ask me what channels I use and how. Whether you follow me for inspiration, or to see how I [...]

Social Media2023-01-01T11:28:31+01:00

The Best Reference


Regardless of whether you’re a speaker, coach, consultant or business person: what works better than explaining on your website just how good you are? Exactly: letting your clients do the talking. But do you recognize the situation in which a hugely enthusiastic client – after your presentation, consultation or other contribution – faithfully swears they will write a reference for you, only for it to be quiet… for a very long time? And then when you, very carefully and with the greatest diplomacy, remind them by mail or phone about it, that you receive a very ‘glossless’ and formal reference?

The Best Reference2024-06-14T13:29:08+02:00

Instagram for beginners


Instagram for beginners How to start an Instagram account and what to post No clue what to do with yet another social media channel? Or you do want to check it out, but have no idea where to start? No time to figure out how the fastest growing photo-network [...]

Instagram for beginners2022-08-27T16:58:34+02:00

Show off!


Show off! It’s as if we Dutch are raised with some sort of false modesty: ‘Act normal, and you’re strange enough…’ Compliment someone on their clothing and you’ll almost always get the answer ‘I bought it on sale’. Ask someone what they’re good at and you’ll get all [...]

Show off!2022-08-27T17:29:38+02:00

What is real?


What is real? Photoshop. Corruption. Hacked bank sites. Charity scandals. Reality TV. Botox. Do you ever wonder what’s still real? In the States they even use the phrase ‘with real butter flavor’ on packages of fake butter! How long before this plastic fantastic creeps into Dutch lives? My [...]

What is real?2022-08-27T17:31:29+02:00
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