
Tantra experiences

In 2015, I – very cautiously – attended my first tantra retreat. Many people think it’s about s*x, but it’s actually about important life lessons I wish I had learned much earlier and that I wish for everyone. Many courses, retreats, and festivals followed, with different schools and organizations.

Slowly, I began to understand with my mind that there was more than the masculine ‘doing’ energy and started to grasp the importance of the feminine ‘being’ energy and surrendering to the universe.

It took some time before I could embody that knowledge, and I am still on this journey to finding more balance.

Will you read, learn, and live along with me?

Esther went on a tantra holiday


"Ben je ooit bereid geweest om alles wat je denkt te weten over jezelf los te laten?" Na mijn eerste tantra retreat in 2016 en een aantal ervaringen met ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) voelde ik me na twee keer Level 1 en een integratieretreat eindelijk klaar voor Level 2. Niemand vertelt precies wat Level 2 inhoudt, behalve dat je ‘doodgaat’. Je ego sterft en je wordt opnieuw geboren. Een intens proces, maar dat was precies waar ik klaar voor was. Het retreat vond plaats in Peru, een land dat diep geworteld is in het shamanisme en dat voor mij altijd een bijzondere plek heeft gehad. Hoewel de timing slecht uitkwam—ik kwam rechtstreeks uit Thailand, had slechts twee dagen in Amsterdam voor de overgang naar een andere tijdzone, om te pakken en door te vliegen naar Peru—wist ik dat ik erbij moest zijn. Dit was het laatste retreat van Bruce, een van de oprichters van ISTA, en mensen waren lyrisch over hem.

Esther went on a tantra holiday2024-12-19T09:50:00+01:00

My Transformation: ISTA Level 2 in Peru


“Are you ready to let go of everything you think you know about yourself?” After my first tantra retreat in 2016 and several experiences with ISTA (International School of Temple Arts), I finally felt ready for ISTA Level 2. After attending Level 1 twice and completing an integration retreat, I knew this was the next step. Nobody tells you exactly what Level 2 entails, only that you will ‘die.’ Your ego dies, and then you are reborn. It’s an intense process, and that’s exactly what I was looking for. This retreat was held in Peru, a country deeply rooted in shamanism and a special place for me personally. Although the timing was terrible—I was flying from Thailand, with only two days in Amsterdam to adjust to the time difference, pack, and leave again—I knew I had to be there. This was Bruce’s last retreat, one of ISTA’s founders, and everyone spoke of him with awe.

My Transformation: ISTA Level 2 in Peru2024-12-17T16:05:27+01:00

A journey into the unknown


When a friend from a tantra workshop mentioned he was heading to the Sexibility Festival in Sweden, I was intrigued. The festival promised a unique mix of tantra, spirituality, and personal development, all set in the tranquil, remote surroundings of Ängsbacka - a place I'd only heard whispers about. Without knowing what to expect, I impulsively bought a ticket. Unlike the tantra retreats I was accustomed to, where the experience is carefully curated and shared by a tight-knit group, this festival offered a different approach: the freedom to choose your own path, selecting from a variety of workshops, or stepping back whenever you needed to. As the day of departure approached, I found myself filled with curiosity but also a touch of anxiety. I was going alone, with only a vague acquaintance to rely on, and I had no idea what awaited me. But everything about this festival was designed to break down those initial barriers, helping people connect quickly and deeply. In this blog, I'll share my impressions of the festival and some of the valuable lessons I learned along the way.

A journey into the unknown2024-12-17T13:45:22+01:00

Life lessons from a Tantra experience


Most people think tantra is about sex, but it is a total re-eduction about life. How to get rid of limiting beliefs & old patterns that don’t serve you anymore, how to balance your masculine and feminine energy, how to deal with & process emotions and also, but not primarily, how to heal or revitalize your healthy sexuality.

Life lessons from a Tantra experience2024-12-17T13:44:58+01:00

Tantra and tattoos in Japan


Tantra and tattoos in Japan To my surprise I have found many similarities between my time in Japan and the Tantra workshop I did in Thailand a few weeks before. Both experiences were all about embracing my feminine side, being in the moment, surrendering, not trying to control. Since this [...]

Tantra and tattoos in Japan2024-12-17T13:41:47+01:00

Tantra with a control freak


Tantra with a control freak Why on earth had I signed myself up for a 6-day tantra yoga workshop? I had already stepped out of my comfort zone when I did a 7-day fast on this hippie island (check my blog: 'Fasting with a foodie'). Why did I [...]

Tantra with a control freak2024-12-17T13:40:31+01:00
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