How to get cheap, worldwide health insurance at IKEA

In 2013 I was ‘fired’ from my country for traveling too much… Because I wasn’t registered in The Netherlands anymore, I lost my right to the Dutch compulsory health insurance. Expat insurance would not cover me, because I was not living in any other specific country. For months I traveled the world uninsured, until I got into a car accident in the Caribbean. That made me realize how vulnerable you are in case something serious happens. By coincidence I found out about the health insurance offered by IKEA family in Mallorca and now I have worldwide coverage at an incredible price (only €60-€70 per month).

Many (aspiring) digital nomads seek my advice on both registrations as a resident in Spain and the cheap health insurance offered by IKEA family in Mallorca. For many digital nomads, this might be a solution to get a registration and/or insurance without too much hassle or consequences usually associated with registration. I am happy to share the steps to get this fixed.

How to get cheap, worldwide health insurance at IKEA

NB: The registration process described in the first part of this blog works anywhere in Spain. The IKEA family health insurance described in this second part of the blog is only available on the Spanish islands (Baleares and Canary islands, not mainland Spain). If this does NOT apply to you, at the end of this blog I mention an alternative insurance that works in all other cases!

Health insurance at IKEA family???

I was just as surprised as you that IKEA offers health insurance. Basically they are an agent for MAPFRE, a well know Spanish insurance company, and negotiated an incredible deal at €64 a month. This same insurance directly with MAPFRE will cost about €150 per month!

They offer two versions:

  1. The cheapest one (€39,99 per month) can only use the MAPFRE network of doctors, hospitals etc. (Not recommended)
  2. I recommend the ‘reembolso’ version at €64 per month, where you have a free selection of doctors and hospitals and you get (part of) your expenses reimbursed. There is no deductible, but you get 80% of expenses outside of the hospital reimbursed and 90% of any hospital expenses.


  • This insurance is only available on the Spanish islands (Baleares and Canary islands, not mainland Spain).

  • You need to have a Spanish address, this could be an Airbnb, but make sure you at least have a link with Spain, e.g. travel there regularly.

  • Everything is in Spanish: no English policies or forms available
  • There is no digital claim handling: you have to either physically present your claims at any MAPFRE office in Spain, or send your receipts in via mail
  • NB. IKEA might not always have this on offer, so check before you travel.

  • For some claims, such as physiotherapy, you need a doctors referral.

  • You may need to open a Spanish bank account

NB: Check if this is the best insurance for you. If you have pre-existing conditions for example, you may be better off registering in your home country, because most countries offer compulsory health insurance, meaning they cannot refuse anybody, even with pre-existing conditions. I explain all this in more detail during my live, online Digital Nomad workshop.

How to get the insurance

  • Go to IKEA family on any of the Spanish islands.
  • Bring your NIE number, passport, and a Spanish address (read my blog on how to get a NIE)

  • Ask for the MAPFRE ‘reembolso seguro’ at €64 per month
  • Fill in the form as honestly as possible; if you mention any pre-existing conditions, any related health issues will be excluded. Failing to mention pre-existing conditions might result in no coverage at all.
  • Set up automatic monthly payments.

Alternative insurance if this does not work for you

After many years my IKEA family health insurance was suddenly terminated by MAPFRE, without reason or notification. I have heard of others, who experienced the same problem after years of no issues at all.

However, I have found a great alternative: Preuss Yacht Krankenversicherung. It sounds a bit weird, I know, but believe me, you don’t have to be German and you don’t need a sailboat to get this insurance. Anybody can register, it is about the same price as the IKEA insurance and offers world wide coverage. I am not an affiliate, I do not receive any commission, I am just a happy user, glad to share my findings. My live, online Digital Nomad workshop is full of these kind of tips.

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How to get cheap, worldwide health insurance at IKEA