Your own book

A book is a great way to share your unique message. A free ebook will remove all barriers and help you to reach the largest possible audience.

A book can also strengthen your reputation as a speaker or expert in your field, even if you never print or sell your book.  Millions of people around the world would like to write a book or are already working on a manuscript.

How do you switch from idea to implementation? How do you ensure that your book gets attention? In short: how do you ensure that you make an impact with your book? Below are some tips.

You can find more tips and examples in Write your book in 1 week.

How to write a book in a week


  • Start by writing the back cover. This combination of summary and sales story is important for the publisher, book stores and potential buyers of your book.

  • Create a general outline of your book. The table of contents or a rough strawman, so that it’s clear to you and others what the structure will be.

  • It’s easier than you think. In this video I explain how I wrote a book in 10 days and how you can do it too.

  • Use what you already have: blogs, columns, anything else that you’ve already written, tips that you have given via social media, FAQs you get and answer. Bundle this and half of the work is already done!

  • Whatever you write, a book, a blog or a story: stay true to your feelings when you are writing. Your emotions will make a deeper impression.

  • If your story is too big, start writing it in smaller pieces. It also does not have to be chronological. Use your outline as a guide.

  • Many participants in the Writing Retreats I host tell me that they find it hard to write at home. Plan your time and block out time to write in your calendar. Manage the expectations of your environment  – let your family and friends know that this is your writing time and that it’s sacred.

Smart writing software

  • With Scrivener (for both Mac and Windows), you can easily structure, save and write.

  • Are you not a writer, but do you have a story to tell? Dragon dictation or type what you say! Great, especially if you have inspiration while you are in the car!


  • One of the first decisions you have to make is how you are going to publish your book. Will you use a publisher or self-publish? These days there many different ways to share your book with the world. More and more books are being published and fewer are being sold, which makes publishers increasingly selective. This can be an advantage: if a publisher decides to publish your book, then it is immediately a puts you in an elite category. It is a preselection and and indication of quality.

  • My advice is to contact a number of publishers in any case. In the worst-case scenario, you just get some feedback and your self-published book gets even better. In the best case scenario, they want to work with you to publish your book.

  • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of a publisher or self-publishing. Check out Publishing your book

  • These days, it is really easy to publish your book yourself. You are much more flexible and you can do it at very low costs. However, there is some detail involved. Check out options to work with me on this below.

Paper or digital

  • If your intention is to share your message with as many people as possible, consider (self-)publishing a (free) ebook.

  • Ebook usually come as ePub, Mobi or PDF file, as in iBooks (Apple) or Kindle (Amazon) and good old PDF. Formatting and design depends on a combination of the publishing platform and software you use to create the file. As this field is changing rapidly, it’s a must to check what you actually can create when you read this.

  • If you are busy with the design of your book, make a PDF of your book which you can offer as a digital book.


  • Record a short video (you can do this with just a smartphone) in which you talk about your book. You can put this book trailer on YouTube (the second largest search engine in the world!), your own website, use it on social media or other promotion opportunities.

  • Local newspapers are always looking for local news. Make sure you get in touch! Listicles such as 10 tips for … or The three do’s and don’ts about … always work well.

  • Make a preview of your book by making a PDF of a number of chapters, or the first 20 pages. This is also suitable for using for promotion on your own website, social media and the various book sites that will sell your book.

  • When you write a management or non-fiction book, there are probably a number of tips from your book that you can give away (one by one) on social media. This way you generate interest, you build up expert status and you increase your reach.

  • If your book is just out, you can exchange it with a number of people for a review. It is important that you quickly get a number of reviews wherever your book is sold. If you ask people for a review, it is often challenging, but if you give away a number of free books in exchange for a review, it feels like a favor. Amozon allows you to do a promotion and give your book away for free for a short time.

  • Reserve a number of domain names with your possible book titles. This costs around ten to fifteen euros/dollars per domain name per year. Check out for example.

Are you serious about writing your book?

Don’t reinvent the wheel, like I did. As the author and co-author of more than 30 books, writing coach for hundreds of people and organizer of 30 writing retreats, I have finally found the best system for writing a good book: the ‘Reverse Writing’ method. If you begin at the end and create a good structure before you start writing, you will be able to follow your energy, instead of the page numbers.

Learn all tips & tricks in the ‘idea to book’ workshop

Everything you need to turn your idea into a bestseller: practical advice, examples, and inspiration about writing, publishing, and promoting your book. Check out the ‘from idea to book’ workshop.

werboek back front cover - Why you should start promoting your book while you're writing it

Personal guidance

I have trained a GPT with all my book writing knowledge, to help you get started, answer your questions and give feedback on your writing. Try out EstherAI for free!

Prefer personal 1 on 1 coaching? Private writing coaching is a unique opportunity to work on your book with my personal guidance and support. Book a single strategy session or plan a series of 1-on-1 calls. Do you want the best for your book?

A writing retreat in an exotic location?

During the online writing retreat@home or an all-inclusive retreat in one of my favorite locations, you will work with like-minded people and get 1-on-1 guidance. The daily workshops help to get started, followed by focused writing time, delicious food, and personal guidance & feedback. Where will we go?

The book ‘Reverse Writing’

Learn my Reverse Writing method (start with the back cover) in my super-comprehensive book ‘Reverse Writing’ and the companion workbook. You will find a step-by-step explanation, lots of examples, inspiration, and practical tips about writing, promotion, and publishing your book.

Original ideas and proven formats for your next bestseller

A successful book starts with a good idea. Check out the 10 best ‘formulas’ I’ve found for successful non-fiction books. Each of these ten proven formats gives you a different perspective, inspiration, and examples you can adapt for your own book. Subscribe to my ‘interested in writing’ list for book inspiration & tips and immediately receive the PDF with 10 ideas for a successful non-fiction book.