Reverse Writing

The proven method to get from back cover to bestseller

More book inspiration

Most people still think that writing a book means starting on page one and working their way through to the last chapter until it’s finished. However, far too many writers get stuck and fail to complete their book with this traditional approach.

‘Reverse Writing’ turns the entire process around, by starting with the last page of your book, the all-important back cover.

This step-by-step guide will completely refresh your writing experience and result in a successful book. There is also a workbook.

“Finally! A smart plan for the entire process from idea to publication. I love the unconventional approach, making writing a book accessible to anyone.” Bravenewbooks

Jan van Kuijk - Write your book
“This approach works like magic! After writing the back cover, to my surprise, the table of contents just followed naturally.”

Jan van Kuijk

Nina-Beem -From Idea to Book

Uncomplicated, practical, applicable. Clear and complete message. Esther’s tips are worth gold.

Nina Beem

“With Esther’s tips I wrote my book in 14 days.”

Ruth Sinkeler

Huub-Van-Zwieten - Write your book in 1 week on Mallorca
“Esther inspired me to launch my new book immediately. I’ve sold 20 copies already!”

Huub van Zwieten

Andrew-D- Reverse Writing
“If only I had seen the list of 10 book ideas before I wrote my book.”

Andrew D.

Anne-Lies-Bloei -Books published with Esther’s writing method
“I announced my book online and sold 100 books in 1 day!”

Anne-Lies Bloei

Reverse Writing
“Finally! A book that describes the process from writing to publishing step by step.”


“Very valuable; this method saves me a lot of time and money, which makes for a much better book.”

Hans Gierkink, coach/trainer at Singlecoaching

Chris - How to Write a Book in a Week
“I just published my book. What I haven’t been able to achieve in the past three years I did in just 7 days!”

Chris – Owner of a software company