Inspiration Shot March 2022

Throughout Covid, I got more and more questions about my lifestyle from people who also wanted more freedom (fun fact: my Digital Nomads book is more popular than ever!). The war in Ukraine makes everyone realize that you should always have a ‘plan B’ for unforeseen circumstances. Suppose you had to flee: where would you go? Where are fewer rules? Where do you find like-minded souls? Where is life still meaningful/affordable? What do you bring with you and what do you leave behind? Digital Nomads like me already live very light and flexible. What can we learn from the location-independent lifestyle?
Escape the system
Years ago I read Neil Strauss’ book ‘Emergency‘ about escaping the system. “It’s one man’s story of a dangerous world—and how to stay alive in it”. Just like Neill, I have also made sure that I am independent of any country, employer, government, insurance, money source or other institution that many people trust and take for granted.
In order to be this flexible you have to take certain steps: downsize your possessions, change your mindset, make sure you have a location independent income source.
Do you feel the wish or need to ‘escape’? Then come prepared! In my ‘One Year to Freedom’ program, I take you through this process step by step and teach you everything you need to know, from taxes to entrepreneurship, from insurance to finding your ‘tribe’. I have created a special offer for people who feel the need to DO something, right now. Is this you?

Trust yourself
If suddenly the sky clouds over: remember that you are stronger than you think. Rely on your own strength. As an entrepreneur, but also privately. Start downsizing and minimizing to be prepared for anything. What do you really need? Make sure that all important things are in the Cloud. Preferably in several places, in case one of the large Clouds becomes unavailable, or blocks you.
Make sure you are flexible and can switch quickly. To mitigate risks, it is useful to always have some cash or other liquid assets on hand, combined with bitcoins, real estate and bank accounts in different countries.
Trust your intuition, don’t wait for the mainstream media to draw a certain conclusion; go your own way. (And remember: the sun always shines behind the clouds! 🌞 )

The power of social media
Ever since I got kicked off Instagram for archiving some old posts four months ago, I’m still trying to get my account back. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get in touch with Facebook or Instagram.
What a power those platforms have! The war in Ukraine emphasizes that: the platforms determine the information you receive and thus your view of the situation. On the other hand, it is precisely through the same social media that we are aware of the war and can also help many people there with information, money, and moral support.
I saw a wonderful post with tips on how the resistance in Ukraine can learn from previous resistance strategies and adapt them to our times (unfortunately I could not find it anymore so I can’t share). Anyway, I also ‘resisted’ and created a new Instagram account. I am now @no_excuses_lady. Will I see you on Insta?

The power of storytelling
Whether you need help, want to get public opinion on your side, sell a product or service, or have an important message to share; make use of storytelling. Your story is unique; this is how you connect with your target group. Use images, share details, appeal to all the senses, make it personal.
See how others are sharing their stories; on social media, in the news, and in everyday life; become aware of what works for you and what doesn’t.
Whatever you want to achieve, visibility is super important. I notice that many entrepreneurs and writers, even digital nomads, find it difficult to share their knowledge & message with the world, because it makes them feel vulnerable.
Do you want help with your storytelling, social media, website, blogs, or book? Sign up now for my Writers Mastermind: next month I will give a whopping 50% discount so that we can bring even more beautiful stories into the world.

If you want to get something done (a plan, a book, a business), you have to make time for it. Which is difficult in this busy world, with plenty of distractions. Do you struggle to create such focus moments? Allow me to help you.
From April 18-22 I’m organizing a mini-focus week in Mallorca to work on your book or other writing projects. There are still 2 spots available. From May 4-9 you are most welcome on the inspiration trip in Puglia; about location independent living, investing in real estate, and much more. And of course from 24-31 May there’s my famous writing retreat in Mallorca, where – in addition to writing your book – you can also experience life in a sleepy village on a self-sustainable island.
What result would you be able/want to achieve in such a week?

Did you know...?
… that for many years I was completely ‘into survival’? At night I dreamed about escaping from all kinds of (war) situations; during the day I collected survival gear, from a supersonic tent to a fire-lighter and water filter. I took part in the European ‘Survivor’ show, but unfortunately the emphasis was more on TV-worthy conflicts than on survival. When I read the book Boodschappenmeisje a long time ago, I recognized the prophecy that something bad would happen to the world. After 20 years of ‘waiting’, I decided it wouldn’t happen and I got rid of all my survival stuff. Unfortunately, the threat is still in the air today. Since we don’t know where the ‘danger’ is going to come from, the most important thing is to be able to rely on yourself. Fortunately uncertainty has become my comfort zone.

Where is Esther?
At the end of February, I had a wonderful chaotic week in Puglia, Italy, with a lot of organizing and logistics for my tinytrullo. At the last minute, I managed to open a bank account, with which I can (hopefully) receive the 50-110% construction subsidy! During the inspiration trip in May, I will tell you more about this. By the way, I still have a few of those beautiful liter cans of olive oil for sale at café Gezondigd in Amsterdam and design furniture store LOT1038 in Curaçao. Message me if you’re interested.
Early March in Miami was also dominated by logistics, doctor visits, and red tape for my dad. Of course, we also spent nice moments and walks together. I’m so glad we have so many applications from sweet and good caretakers, because he needs more and more care when he’s a bit confused himself.
Now I am in Curaçao, the island with which I have had a love-hate relationship for years. I am staying at the beautiful Landhuis Jan Thiel. My sister from Miami and our former neighbor Astrid were also on the island: 45 years of friendship, that had to be celebrated!
Next week I will be organizing a writing retreat here, in which I will help an exclusive group of three writers to make huge steps with their book in 1 week. At the end of this month I will fly to Mexico for a conference of the Dynamite Circle (successful location independent entrepreneurs)… 🌮

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