Recife 2018

How to turn anything into a business

Recife, Brazil 2018

Views of Recife from 16th century Olinda are stunning.

Recife, Brazil 2018

I learned random things, such as ‘each church in the area faces the most important church…’

Recife, Brazil 2018

Beautiful architecture…

One of the workshops I give during the ‘Cruise your Business’ retreat, is on how to see and seize opportunities. I saw a beautiful example of this ‘creative entrepreneurship’ during our stop in Recife, Brazil. The guide we found via rentalocalfriend .com, used the public citibikes for our bike tour of Olinda and Recife! Such a smart business model: no investment necessary, no storage space, no repairs etc.

He also asked another friend, a historian specialized in the Dutch history of Recife, to join us. The historian explaining the Dutch / Jewish roots in Recife. To our surprise, he had studied Dutch and spoke it very well. We had a great day with so many impressions of past and current life in Brazil.

Our guide Roderick then flew to Sao Paulo for a TV interview on his smart business model. We hope many other entrepreneurs will be inspired to start their own business like this. No excuses!

Recife, Brazil 2018

Bike tours by Roderick…you can find him online via @laursatours

Recife, Brazil 2018

Unfortunately, my injured knee did not like biking and walking. I had to cool it with ice while sipping a coconut in a local snack bar. The fall on a concrete block two weeks previously had caused more damage than I originally thought… ????

Recife, Brazil 2018

The slums are so sad to see. Families living amidst trash and in utter poverty… How lucky we are to have such a head start in life, just because we were born somewhere else…

Recife, Brazil 2018

Roderick and his famous citi bikes…

Recife, Brazil 2018

Part of our Cruise your business crew, after a hot bike ride to Olinda. This church has a huge altar, made entirely of gold!

Recife, Brazil 2018

The historian explaining the Dutch / Jewish roots in Recife. To our surprise he had studied Dutch and spoke it very well.