Inspired by…

I made a list of authors who influence and inspire me in my writing.

An interesting exercise, because it made me realize what kind of person/writer I want to be. Who inspires you? These are my heroes:

  • Neil Strauss (The Game, Emergency, The Truth): Neil surprises every time with a new, unconventional topic that is seemingly unrelated to the previous one (How to pick up women, Plan B for when the world ends, How to stay in a loving relationship) but they are all connected. He is diving deeper and deeper in his own psyche, humanity and our society and presents his brilliant analysis very honestly, in a way that is both solid and vulnerable, mixed with a lot of humor.
  • Malcolm Gladwell (The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers): This writer for The New Yorker takes you on a journey of discovery of things we usually take for granted in our society. And just when you think you understand, he turns everything around and reveals what he has learned by studying the phenomenon in depth. Masterful storytelling combined with solid research.
  • Oliver Sacks (The man who mistook his wife for a hat, Island of the color blind): neurologist/anthropologist who explains even the most complicated concepts in a simple way and makes dry scientific facts about our psyche really interesting with his masterful storytelling.
  • Timothy Ferris (The Four-Hour Workweek, The Four-Hour Body): Tim keeps reinventing himself. He immerses himself in different worlds and then writes a groundbreaking book about his experiences. From tango to sex, food to location independence, he always revels in a challenge.

Exceptional communication
publish your book

Are you serious about writing your book?

Don’t reinvent the wheel, like I did. As the author and co-author of more than 30 books, writing coach for hundreds of people and organizer of 30 writing retreats, I have finally found the best system for writing a good book: the ‘Reverse Writing’ method. If you begin at the end and create a good structure before you start writing, you will be able to follow your energy, instead of the page numbers.

Learn all tips & tricks in the ‘idea to book’ workshop

Everything you need to turn your idea into a bestseller: practical advice, examples, and inspiration about writing, publishing, and promoting your book. Check out the ‘from idea to book’ workshop.

werboek back front cover - Why you should start promoting your book while you're writing it

Personal guidance

I have trained a GPT with all my book writing knowledge, to help you get started, answer your questions and give feedback on your writing. Try out EstherAI for free!

Prefer personal 1 on 1 coaching? Private writing coaching is a unique opportunity to work on your book with my personal guidance and support. Book a single strategy session or plan a series of 1-on-1 calls. Do you want the best for your book?

A writing retreat in an exotic location?

During the online writing retreat@home or an all-inclusive retreat in one of my favorite locations, you will work with like-minded people and get 1-on-1 guidance. The daily workshops help to get started, followed by focused writing time, delicious food, and personal guidance & feedback. Where will we go?

The book ‘Reverse Writing’

Learn my Reverse Writing method (start with the back cover) in my super-comprehensive book ‘Reverse Writing’ and the companion workbook. You will find a step-by-step explanation, lots of examples, inspiration, and practical tips about writing, promotion, and publishing your book.

Original ideas and proven formats for your next bestseller

A successful book starts with a good idea. Check out the 10 best ‘formulas’ I’ve found for successful non-fiction books. Each of these ten proven formats gives you a different perspective, inspiration, and examples you can adapt for your own book. Subscribe to my ‘interested in writing’ list for book inspiration & tips and immediately receive the PDF with 10 ideas for a successful non-fiction book.