Inspiration shot April 2024

I had already written an inspiration shot about health (“What is health anyway? Traditionally, health is often seen as the absence of disease, but is that all?”) when I got dengue fever, high fever and excruciating pain in all my bones and joints, during my writing retreat in Curaçao. That brought me face to face with how even those little things that we normally take for granted are not so common at all. Things that normally don’t cost you energy, such as talking or eating, or being awake or lifting your head… In this inspiration shot we look at health.
Seeing through the eyes of dengue
Exactly two years ago I also fell ill in the middle of my writing retreat in Curaçao. Then I had corona for the first time. I wrote a full inspiration shot about the lessons I learned from it. This time around, being ill gave me great insights again.
At first, I was just sick and because of the fever, I couldn’t think about anything, only sleep. When I felt a little bit better, I started watching Netflix, just sitting and ‘waiting’ for it to be over. As a result, I actually used up all my reserves, which was not good for my body. After that I tried to ‘be in the moment’, to appreciate this unique time in which you actually float between two worlds; between consciousness and unconsciousness. I tried to enjoy that ‘no man’s land’. I also experienced that during my MDMA experience. When you are between sleeping and waking; it is actually very special if you can be aware of that consciously. So now I try to move with the disease and what it offers, instead of waiting until it’s over and then doing stupid things.
What does dengue do to your head? If someone asks you, ‘do you want a cup of coffee or tea?’, you just don’t know what to answer… (even though you never drink coffee.) Just the whole idea of having to think about it; am I thirsty and do I want something, that just doesn’t work.
Normally, I have a huge to-do list before a flight. Now my only goal was to survive the flight from Curaçao to Amsterdam. That gives so much more peace. Expectation management. Instead of trying to sleep, but not succeeding: trying to relax, breathing. Be with the discomfort.
I am still tested every day. I want to be better, but my head isn’t working yet. So just be patient…
A different view on nutrition
Amanda @rawfitnessandnutrition is one of the experts I met through the Dynamite Circle. She helps others adopt a healthy lifestyle. Not only by eating differently (eating as much pure food as possible, much more protein than you think, no snacks in between, and only eating when you’re hungry), but also how to expose yourself to light and many more unexpected – but completely logical – factors. Super interesting to follow her on social media, good tips guaranteed! What surprises me most at the moment is that I can’t eat consciously. Amanda recommends that you ‘pray’ or give thanks before eating and then eat slowly, consciously and chew thoroughly. I resolve this every day, for weeks now. I eat at least three times a day, and I still haven’t managed it! I seem to fall into some kind of trance when I come near food. It’s gone before I remember my intention. So interesting! Curious about your experiences with this.
P.S. Amanda offers her free guide “The 4 fat loss mistakes you are probably making (and what you should do instead)”.

Are your eyes also elongating?
A year ago, out of the blue, I suddenly developed a split retina in one eye, causing me to lose some vision. No one could tell me why this could have happened, so suddenly. I started looking into it and it could have something to do with the deformation of our eyes: if you look at screens a lot, your eyes become longer instead of round, which can cause retinal detachment and other serious problems. In short; Our modern lifestyle – constantly focused on screens – disrupts our natural state of being. Our eyes are simply not made to look up close all the time. Therefore, regularly alternate at least 5 minutes with another activity, preferably walking outside, with your eyes on the horizon. Experts say every 30 minutes, more practical is at least once an hour. This experience also emphasizes the need for balance and how crucial it is to spend time in nature and take time to relax, to literally and figuratively broaden our view.
Coincidentally, I discovered this podcast about it. “Body Electric Part 3: Why Our Eyes Are Elongating”

Workshop alert

Save time and grow your business with a Virtual Assistant and ChatGPT.
Do you still do everything yourself?
Discover the power of remote workers, virtual teams and Artificial Intelligence tools like ChatGPT to support you, help you run and grow your business.
This live online workshop shows every business owner, consultant, writer, coach, and online entrepreneur how to get the help they need, at a price they can afford.
I share ALL my ChatGPT tips!
Inspiration bites
A Love Not Meant For Me
I accidentally came across this touching and beautiful love story.
This special lady shares how she found the love of her life… and let it go.
Grab your tissues…
American symphony
Jon Batiste, a musician at the height of his fame, dares to compose a symphony. At the same time, his wife is confronted with the return of her cancer. This film offers a look at their lives, art and the power of love and creativity in difficult times.
AI for writers
I get a lot of questions from writers and entrepreneurs about how to use ChatGPT to make your work easier, faster, and more fun.
I will be giving a workshop about it on April 17th. From April 8-12th you are very welcome to the free summit in which the best writers in the world will share their tips.
We have also created a FREE E-book: THE AI-WRITING BLUEPRINT

Relaxation & joy training
We all know that meditation is important. But sometimes you just need some help to get started…
My coach and good friend Matthias Schmitt recorded a short meditation especially for me (and you!) to help you relax and feel more ‘joy’:
Matthias Schmitt | Relaxation and Joy Training

Did you know...?
… that my previous inspiration shot (Tango and Tantra in Buenos Aires) led to an interview about tantra in a major Dutch women’s magazine? I always tell my workshop participants and coaching clients that visibility is important.
That you just have to show yourself in all your facets, without trying to sell anything. That way you WILL BE FOUND, instead of having to look for clients or publicity yourself. One of the journalists who has been following me for decades received my inspiration shot just as she was assigned to interview a woman about tantra retreats for the Margriet summer book (wellness retreats seem to be the new trend!). But no one she spoke to wanted to be mentioned by name in the magazine, let alone be photographed for it. When she asked me, I was immediately enthusiastic. I would like others to know that I continue to develop myself constantly and I wish everyone to dive into this different world and find that balance within themselves. The photo has be taken this week (which was even more interesting now that my skin is covered in dengue rash, which looks like sunburn…) The Summer Book will be released in June. So you see how one thing can lead to another.

Where is Esther?
Until dengue struck, I spent a few wonderful weeks in Curaçao, where I felt completely at home again. Lunches with friends, swimming in the bay, dancing tango on the town square Wilhelminaplein and a beautiful ‘dinner in the field’. I stayed with my ex Marinus, about whom I once wrote the book ‘Have you found your Mr. Wrong yet?’ Did you know that we have been friends for as long as we were ever a couple? If you go to Curaçao, view my favourite places on Google maps here.
My very last writing retreat in Curaçao started off great. A few Dutch entrepreneurs, a local retiree and an American professor enjoyed the wonderful Jan Thiel Plantation House while writing a thriller, non-fiction books and a scientific article. We were all disappointed when I suddenly became ill in the last few days and was unable to do anything at all. Fortunately, a few former participants helped with improvised workshops. Marinus took the writers on a sunset sailing trip and other friends organized nice excursions. Unfortunately, two participants also turned out to be ill when they returned home…
I now only organize two more writing retreats before I ‘retire’… in June in Mallorca and in November in Thailand…
This week I’m in Amsterdam to recuperate, which is a challenge with a full schedule of appointments; re-renting one of my apartments and seeing some book-coaching clients live, with a brain that still does not work…
Tuesday I will fly to Puglia for 7 weeks, see how my trees and real estate projects are going, and give the 11(!) participants in the Workation a great month in May.

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