Economize, penny-wise

Inspiration shot March 2021

Economize, penny-wise - Inspiration shot March 2021

We all want so much, but we are still only allowed to do so little at the moment, so we look for new ways of living and working. How does that effect you as a person and your business? In this inspiration shot I will share a secret, a triumph, a new business model and more tips and inspiration to get through these ‘tough times’.

The importance of visibility

I commented rather critically in response to a Facebook post about the Curaçao government’s plan to attract more digital nomads. This led to an invitation from the Ministry of Economic Development to discuss the issue. This was followed by a presentation for politicians and a meeting with the Prime Minister about opportunities for Curaçao. It was an interesting exchange of information, visions, feedback, stories, plans and tips.

“I admire Esther for how she spots opportunities everywhere and is even able to convert threats into opportunities.”
Eugene Rhuggenaath – Prime Minister of Curaçao

Just as they had noticed me through my FB-comment, Curaçao can draw more attention by emphasizing that it is a great place to be for entrepreneurs or remote workers, especially in the current times. There are few Coronavirus cases, tropical weather, good working conditions and it is loads of fun.

How do you ensure that you are visible enough?

Oops! A new ‘corona proof’ business model!

For some time I had been looking for a way to help as many people as possible with their book, with the lowest possible price tag. I wrote books, recorded an online program. But it turns out that writers also like to interact with me, personally. They are looking for more than the theory, they also want guidance from me.

The private coaching options are not for everyone, so I kept trying different things. I came up with an online ‘writing focus session’ and offered it for free to my Dutch followers, just to see if writing together via Zoom worked. And yes it did! More than 60 writers participated in the first two trial sessions.

And so the idea of a Writers Mastermind arose; with a monthly workshop/Q&A session and a writing focus session. The price had to be low to meet everyone’s needs. I managed to offer this for only €24.95 per month (appr. $30). Members also receive the book ‘Reverse Writing’ and the accompanying workbook in PDF format.

This is exactly the kind of deal I want to share at a time like this. The Dutch Mastermind is getting started in April and the waiting list for the English Mastermind is now open!

Check whether this model of paying monthly is something for you, EITHER as a participant, OR perhaps as an idea to design a membership option for your own business?

focuEsther Jacobs – the NO EXCUSES LADY: speaker, author, book writing coach, digital nomads sessie 2 -

How to turn anything into a business

How can you achieve great results with limited resources, in any given situation? This remains a popular theme and in this podcast interview for an award-winning Asian finance show, I give some tips and examples.

Do you want to turn your passion into a business? Then join my workshop on April 14th.

Economize, penny-wise - Inspiration shot March 2021

Window swap

Tired of your view? Did you know that you can easily swap windows? There are people all over the world offering their view. On this website you can upload your view and exchange it with any user in another country or even another continent:
The picture below was my view in Curaçao last week, which I swapped for the grey, rainy view I have now in Amsterdam. Would you swap?
Where there's a will, there is a way - Inspiration shot February 2021

Did you know...?

…that as a teenager I wanted to become a fashion model? 😱This photo was taken when I was 17 and recently popped up in my digital archive. I remember being very happy to have been ‘discovered’ by a photographer in a disco. Back then, modeling was the most fun, exciting and unique thing I could think of…
I’m so happy that I took a different path and became an entrepreneur instead. I am still having a great time as a location-independent entrepreneur, but I don’t think I would still be modeling.

Do you have a photo of yourself that symbolizes a life decision you have made? (This is an idea for an engaging social media post. I got a lot of responses to mine.)

Economize, penny-wise - Inspiration shot March 2021

Where is Esther?

I am back in Amsterdam for a while and – unlike the Dutch who have not been able to travel for months – I love it! I’m almost ashamed of my healthy tan, which everyone makes light-hearted jealous comments about. I hardly dare to say that I’m enjoying being in the cold and being able to walk extensively through the city again. Although being in a place where no restaurants are open anywhere, where I have to wear a face mask, and where there is a curfew is taking some getting used to.

The main reason I am here is that I have refinanced my mortgages and can go to the notary this week. It took a lot of effort because as a Digital Nomad I do not meet the standard criteria for a mortgage, but it worked out again. A while ago I wrote a blog about my ‘real estate secrets’ where you can discover who helped me and how they made it possible.

This means that I now have the money to build a ‘tiny house’ on my land in Italy! Can’t wait to get back there in a few weeks and get that going. Unfortunately, my ex Marinus has sold ‘our’ finca in Mallorca, so I will head over there first to say ‘goodbye’ to this beloved place and pick up some things to take to Italy. To be continued!

Economize, penny-wise - Inspiration shot March 2021

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