Are you as impatient as I am?
Inspiration shot July 2021
“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”
The beauty of Alzheimer’s
Dementia is a tragic disease, but if you are willing to be open to it, there are also some ‘advantages’. For example, three weeks before I was due to arrive, dad called me every day to ask if I was already on the plane. When one day I actually showed up in his apartment, he was overjoyed. As he was the next morning, and again the day after! Each time he saw me during those first days, it was as if I had just arrived. I cherish all those hugs!
The same thing happened when I showed him my new ‘Reverse Writing’ workbook, which had just been delivered by Amazon: “Wow, what a beautiful book!” he said as he intently leafed through it, pointing out the things that struck him. “Could you order one for me too?” Ten times a day he enjoys this beautiful workbook as if it is the first time he is seeing it… 🙏
The Father
Sometimes patience is not enough, and you really have to let go… In this beautiful film with Anthony Hopkins, experience how a father with Alzheimer’s and his daughter experience ‘time’ from different perspectives. Watch the movie for free via popcorn time.
Personal development
Things that irritate or trigger us are often invitations to take a deeper look at ourselves. We tend to focus on the external factor, the trigger. It’s easy to put the blame on the trigger, event, or person. But you can’t change other people or circumstances that you experience. All you can do is examine yourself, and question why you are reacting the way that you are. The real work is on the inside, in finding out what it triggers in us. Read more about emotional triggers. Are you curious how tantra can teach you not to take things personally and thus initiate real change?
Random acts of kindness
I’ve had a lot of time to think during my time in Miami and very occasionally (not often enough) I do a meditation. After a short evening meditation, I woke up in the morning with a phrase in my head: “Shine your light”. A few simple words that can make a huge difference in your day and in your life, even in the lives of others. Just thinking “Shine your light” every now and then makes me feel more balanced, more patient, and makes my day more enjoyable.
I found this compilation of ‘random acts of kindness’ on the internet: moments where that light is shown. How can you make your light shine a little brighter today?
📚 Join me in the mountains? 🏔
We had to wait for it a looong time, but now we can finally book trips again! My Writing retreat in the French Alps from October 10-17th is the ideal time to clear your head in a beautiful place, in the middle of nature. If you want your book – or other writing projects – to come to life this year, gift yourself a week of focus and pampering (we have our own private chef!).
And…no matter what happens in the world, my writing retreats always take place!
Did you know...?
… that my Tiny Trullo olive oil can now also be tasted on the Dutch island Terschelling? Many Dutchies visit the northern islands to relax. So I am happy to share that the restaurant ‘Eilandbistro de Boschplaat‘ on Terschelling now serves my Tiny Trullo olive oil. I was so proud when I received the following message from owner Maamke van Zwol:
“The chefs are raving about your olive oil and have asked if I can order it again. So your oil is going to feature on our menu!”
She ordered so much that I had to collect the last bottles and liters from my personal stock to bridge the time until the next harvest, but it worked. So, from now on you can taste ‘my’ piece of Puglia/Italy at a 5-star level on the most beautiful island in the Netherlands…
Where is Esther?
Via Curaçao, I managed to get to my father in Miami. I’ve been here for almost a month now, spending time with my father and onboarding the new caretaker.
I celebrated my birthday with my family and apart from that I try as much as possible to keep to the same routine: rise early to make calls with Europe. Then prepare breakfast and medicines for Dad and my sister’s dog (Danielle is on vacation and left ‘Pirate’ with us). Then walk 5 km around the golf course with Dad. The rest of the day is spent on healthy cooking, shopping, arranging things for my father, do as much work as I can fit in, do a workout with my new online personal trainer, browsing through a photo album with Dad on the couch and then going to bed early to get back up early the next day. It may sound boring, but for me, it’s almost a kind of ‘retreat’ to make my world very small.
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