Workbook – Reverse Writing

From back cover to bestseller in 10 practical steps

More book inspiration

Congratulations on getting started with your book!

This workbook is a 221 page PDF that you can fill in on your computer, print, or order as a paper version on Amazon.

You will get the best results if you use this workbook while reading the book ‘Reverse Writing’.

The workbook can also be used separately; you will miss the explanations and examples, but the practical steps will still help you to create a better version of your book.

You can work per chapter and fill in each section at the end, or go back and forth between sections and update, adjust, and improve your work.

The more adjustments you make, the better your preliminary work, and the easier it will be to write your book afterward.

Workbook - Reverse Writing

“Wonderful to keep all my notes in one place.”

Atty van de Brake

Workbook - Reverse Writing

“The workbook supports my creative process.”

Anne-Lies Smal

Workbook - Reverse Writing

“The questions guide me through the process and challenge me to think about the positioning of my book and offer.”

Mariella Serra


“This system helps me to structure my thought process.”

Minke Tromp

How corporate philosopher Minke uses the workbook for the creation of her book ‘New Thought Leadership’