10 ideas for a successful non-fiction book
Some of the best book ideas are very simple. Starting with a proven format will make the writing process much less overwhelming.
Let’s take a look at the 10 most successful non-fiction book ideas to get you inspired:
1. The memoir or biography
Record your own story or that of a family member and share the lessons learned.
2. The ‘how-to’ book
Help readers achieve something that you are good at, by providing step-by-step guidance and examples.
3. The mistakes book
Help readers to avoid commonly made mistakes by giving examples and solutions.
4. The book of interviews
Interview thought leaders about a topic you want to learn about or want to be seen as a though leader.
5. The question and answer book
Record the frequently asked questions and answers about a popular topic.
6. The __ ways to do something book
List the many different approaches to a certain topic, so that you will be seen as the expert on this subject.
7. The how to hire someone book
Most people have no experience hiring, for example a nanny or a contractor. Why should they reinvent the wheel? Write a guide about something that you have done many times and that will give them guidance.
8. The joke or quotation book
Collect all jokes or quotes about a certain profession and your target group for sales of this book is clearly defined…
9. The collection of stories
Aks others to contribute their best stories around a certain theme and select the best for your book.
10. The collection of your previous stories
Do you have a blog, do you write columns? How about bundling the best ones around a certain subject in a book?
Download more tips for free
Do you want to dive deeper into each book idea, and get more tips and examples of each format?
Are you serious about writing your book?
Don’t reinvent the wheel, like I did. As the author and co-author of more than 30 books, writing coach for hundreds of people and organizer of 20 writing retreats, I have finally found the best system for writing a good book: the ‘Reverse Writing’ method. If you begin at the end and create a good structure before you start writing, you will be able to follow your energy, instead of the page numbers.
Learn all tips & tricks in the live online workshop
Everything you need to turn your idea into a bestseller: practical advice, examples, and inspiration about writing, publishing, and promoting your book. Check out the ‘from idea to book’ workshop.
Personal guidance
Private writing coaching is a unique opportunity to work on your book with my personal guidance and support. Book a single strategy session or plan a series of 1-on-1 calls. Do you want the best for your book?
A writing retreat in an exotic location?
During the online writing retreat@home or an all-inclusive retreat on my favorite islands or in the French Alps, you will work with like-minded people and get 1-on-1 guidance. The daily workshops help to get started, followed by focused writing time, delicious food, and personal guidance & feedback. Where will we go?
The book ‘Reverse Writing’
Learn my Reverse Writing method (start with the back cover) in my brand new, the super-comprehensive book ‘Reverse Writing’ and the companion workbook. You will find a step-by-step explanation, lots of examples, inspiration, and practical tips about writing, promotion, and publishing your book.
Original ideas and proven formats for your next bestseller
A successful book starts with a good idea. Check out the 10 best ‘formulas’ I’ve found for successful non-fiction books. Each of these ten proven formats gives you a different perspective, inspiration, and examples you can adapt for your own book. Subscribe to my ‘interested in writing’ list for book inspiration & tips and immediately receive the PDF with 10 ideas for a successful non-fiction book.