Inspiration shot Summer 2013


Caine Arcade is  a short documentary about a 9 year old boy, who built an arcade out of cardboard. A social media surprise makes him famous. A moving and motivational video shows that anything is possible. Watch also Caine’s Arcade part 2: a worldwide trend was born!

skateA photographer and a disabled boy. The photographer was very creative in making the dreams of the boy come true. Very moving and inspiring.


In case you are really bored, you can always recreate the profile pictures off all your friends like this crazy guy did. Quite funny by the way.

cat austriaI have only just found out about Instagram. I had no idea you could have so much fun with pictures and various filters. You can keep a photo diary, get in touch with other photographers worldwide, and get inspired by other pictures.

Save time with clever software

Texting while driving? Do you have a story to tell, but no writing skills? Dragon Dictation types while you are talking. Great app!


I keep a collection of all my published articles on Scribd.  I save all radio interviews and other audio items on Soundcloud and videos/TV interviews on YouTube:

  • Everything in one place.
  • Statistics are being monitored.
  • On my website I only need to place a link and not upload the original big file.


On you can get any task done for only $5 USD. It can be work related, like designing a book cover or flyer (ask 10 people for a design and $50 later you’ll probable have at least one suitable design) or solving Excel or WordPress issues. Look for fun stuff too, e.g. to create a birthday video for your mum, sang and danced by a half naked man, a funny voiceover for a video etc. Browse the site and see for yourself.


Technical questions about your WordPress site or blog? My virtual system engineer, Sophie Fischer, holds a free WordPress office hour every Tuesday morning (Dutch time).

Personal news

This summer I will write my 5th book: a manual for world citizens. Since I don’t fit the Dutch (or any?) system anymore, I have decided to create my own. No taxes, no admin, no parking tickets: so far, so good!

I am concentrating on key-note speeches and workshops in fun locations. ‘Write your book in one week’ workshops on Curaçao and Mallorca, Personal Branding weekend in Barcelona, Blogging in Berlin and Boost Your Business Curaçao. So far most of them are in Dutch, but if you’re interested: drop me a line and I’ll give you all information.


Mallorca might actually be a destination you’ll hear more about. I am considering to buy an old finca there and reconstruct it to be completely self-sufficient. Chickens, olive trees, workshops, friends and good food. That is my dream for the next year…

To be continued…

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