Inspiration shot Spring 2017

FREEDOM. Free from expectations and obligations. Free to do what you want, wherever you want. Free from stress. What does freedom mean to you? True freedom is not in your external circumstances, but lives in your mind.
I collected some different perspectives that might inspire you. Enjoy!

Free from boredom

Random acts of kindness

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that the world is not all bad. Here are some images that will restore your faith in humanity. Sure to put some sunshine in your heart.

Cats not ads

What would our world look like without ads? London’s Underground Station tried it out by replacing all ads with cat pictures…

Free fonts

Try something new! Compare different fonts by just typing a few words. Choose the one you like; it might change your outlook on life 🙂

Free from limitations

No more parking tickets! 

A teenager got crowned ‘Robin Hood of the internet’ for creating a ‘robot lawyer’ app to overturn parking tickets.

Total transparency

Years ago the Republic of Georgia fired 30,000 police officers due to corruption. The glass police station they built is still a powerful symbol of transparency today.

Blind genius

Meet Derek; blind, with limited functionality when it comes to most things. But there’s one special talent that he possesses at a near-superhuman level. Derek is a musical genius; he can play any song in any style.

With Me

Lost in Translation

After having visited more than 100 countries, you would think I couldn’t be surprised anymore. Yet Japan managed to surprise me, every single day.

Cruising back to my roots

Cruising Indonesia with my dad, an interesting experience…

A day in the life of a Digital Nomad

There is no ‘typical day’ when you live like a free spirit. Nothing ever repeats or becomes routine. Still, I tried to give an impression.

Book about freedom

Proud to announce my new book: “Freedom to become who you really are”. The book is based on the drawings my grandfather made while he was hiding from the Germans in WWII. After the war, however, none of his family returned. So instead of pursuing a career as an artist, he had to take over the family textile business. In honor of my grandfather I asked some famous and remarkable Dutchies to write an essay about freedom. This inspiring book (in Dutch) has been published this week. What does freedom mean to you?

 Inspiration shot Spring 2017

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