“Museum Piece”

Late 2015 I was honoured with my own exhibition in museum Flehite in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. The temporary exhibition was about various forms of emigration. The fact that I am considered The Netherlands ‘first digital nomad’ apparently made me ‘museum-worthy’…

'Museum Piece'
'Museum Piece'
'Museum Piece'

It felt so weird to stand in part of the exhibition about me… I felt truly honoured!

I had had no idea what to do with my old passports and was about to throw them in the trash when the museum approached me. Seeing them displayed like this, they suddenly felt like treasures. Each stamp is a story of travel and discovery.

They even put a tv screen playing the video of a documentary made for my latest TV interview (‘Digital Nomad Esther Jacobs bij Koffietijd‘). And they made big prints of some of my Instagram pictures of travel, food and other impressions of the life of a digital nomad. The cover of my ‘Manual for world citizens’ (Dutch: ‘Handboek voor wereldburgers‘) was used as a llife-size print on the wall. It was only a small exhibition in a temporary museum display, but the fact that they had selected me to be in it, was remarkable. The word digital nomad was just starting to become known to a wider audience; normally museums are about things from the past! ????

Want to become a digital nomad?

Do you want to become a digital nomad?

Can you picture yourself traveling the world as a location-independent entrepreneur but don’t want to reinvent the wheel?

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  • Free advice from Esther AI
  • My books full of inspiration and tips
  • The complete Digital Nomad workshop video series
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