Test: Are you a digital nomad?

Is your dream to live, work & play around the world?

In this test from my Digital Nomads book, you can find out if you have what it takes to be a digital nomad.

For each question/statement you write down to what extent this applies to you.

Write down the question number and make 3 columns to check (yes, maybe no).

At the bottom of this page you will find the scoring and the result. Are you a couch potato or a born nomad?

Are you a digital nomad?
Are you a digital nomad?
Are you a digital nomad?

Want to become a digital nomad?

Do you want to become a digital nomad?

Can you picture yourself traveling the world as a location-independent entrepreneur but don’t want to reinvent the wheel?

Then learn from my 35 years of entrepreneurial experience, including nearly 20 years of location independence.

I’m here to help with:

  • Free advice from Esther AI
  • My books full of inspiration and tips
  • The complete Digital Nomad workshop video series
  • 1-on-1 coaching

Explore all options

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