Inspiration shot Spring 2014


Looking at things differently butcher 225 These advertising campaigns and posters are good examples of finding surprising new angles. hello 290 Big Smile There is enough misery in the world; therefore it is heart-warming to see how this banker saves a nest of ducklings in the middle of the city. ducklings 225

Save time and work smarter

Video is getting more and more important, also for getting your own story across. Did you know that YouTube, after Google, now is the most used search engine? From May 1- 4 I organize a workshop ‘visual storytelling’ on the island of Mallorca together with Daan van Bergen of Videologic. Here are three of Daan’s practical tips: 1) YouTube direct link Did you know that by simply adding a time code at the end of a YouTube link you can direct your viewers to a certain fragment of your YouTube video instantly? Here is the link to my ‘dull bookkeeper‘ story from my ‘Mr Wrong’ book trailer (look at the special URL): video fragment Ideal for directing your audience to a specific fragment in your video. 2) Instagram video insta 90Instagram‘s photo app is renowned, but did you know there is also a video option? Very useful for adding some atmosphere to your images. 3) Vine Vine 90Installing Vine on your Smartphone enables you to easily create beautiful short video impressions. Whatever you do in video, take my no. 1 tip: hold your camera / smart phone horizontally, thus avoiding the ugly black sidebars on the left and right of the video when posted online.

Personal news

Mallorca turns out the be the ideal place for the recovery of the whiplash I got in a car accident in November. When giving presentations in the Netherlands I notice that my ability to concentrate has not yet returned to the level I was used to before the accident. On the Mediterranean island of Mallorca however, living on a small farm, one with nature, without all the hustle and bustle, it slowly seems to be improving again. Patience is a virtue… I am enjoying our old farm house renovating project, now almost becoming a ‘normal’ house, our chickens en the early spring offering beautiful blossoming fruit trees. fotocollage My workshop participants are equally enthusiastic about the island. In addition to writing their books or getting help in setting up their websites and personal branding, I take them to undiscovered places and delicious local restaurants. terras Take a break @ Mallorca? Did you know we also rent our home as a holiday home? It is the perfect place to take a break and unwind, work, or to collect fresh eggs, fruit and flowers with the kids. From June 5 – 15 and during the months of July and August our little paradise is available. Check our airbnb listing or the special (Dutch) site for information and, of course, pictures. huis

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