
“The secret to happiness is freedom, and the secret to freedom is courage…”

Freedom seems to have become a status symbol: more valued than money.

For me freedom means choices; to do what I want, where I want, with whom I choose. I have never worked in a ‘regular job’, have been an entrepreneur for more than 25 years. I collect experiences, not possessions. Freedom is my strongest drive, my most important ‘possession’. I have lived, worked and played in more than 100 countries. Unless I have to catch a plane, I always wake up without an alarm clock.

Many people think that money is the key to freedom. However I think money is more of a limitation than an enabler. Work with what you have. Start today. Take small steps towards your ideal future. No excuses!

What does freedom mean to you?

In this video I invite you to explore.

Want to become a digital nomad?

Do you see yourself live, work & play around the world as a location-independent entrepreneur?

  • Still have questions?
  • don’t know where to start?
  • want to meet like-minded people?

If you don’t want to reinvent the wheel, then these options may be for you:

  • In my Digital Nomads book, you’ll find inspiring stories and tips from other nomads. It also contains lots of practical tips & information about mindset, registration, setting up an international company, taxes, entrepreneurship, and much more.
  • Once every few months I organize an online Digital Nomad workshop. In advance, you will receive a couple of videos in which I discuss the most important topics (where to register and set up your company, what insurance to get, where to pay taxes, etc.). During the workshop you can ask all your remaining questions, we talk about your plans and you hear about the experiences of other nomads.
How to get cheap, worldwide health insurance at IKEA