Become a Digital Nomad
Esther AI will answer your questions about life as a location independent entrepreneur
I have trained this GPT with my digital nomad knowledge so that it can answer all your questions about the location-independent lifestyle. Try it in any language.
“I have been inspired and infected by
Esther’s energy and her confidence.”Chantal Groot Kormelink
“The adventure is at my feet.
I have taken unpaid leave and in a few weeks I will be traveling the world for 4 months!”Coen de Jong
“A completely new world has opened up for me.
Life becomes so much easier the ‘Esther way’”Nancy Fielmich
Want to have 100% certainty on what to do?
For important decisions it is better to have 1-on-1 advice from an expert. In just one RESULTant session I can tell you exactly what to do – or NOT to do.
Want to meet others with a location-independent life?
Join my last live online Digital Nomad workshop on Sept 18th, so I can answer all your questions live. Let me show you how to find more freedom!