Become a Digital Nomad

Esther AI will answer your questions about life as a location independent entrepreneur

I have trained this GPT with my digital nomad knowledge so that it can answer all your questions about the location-independent lifestyle. Try it in any language.

Chantal Groot Kormelink

“I have been inspired and infected by
Esther’s energy and her confidence.”

Chantal Groot Kormelink

Coen de Jong

“The adventure is at my feet.
I have taken unpaid leave and in a few weeks I will be traveling the world for 4 months!”

Coen de Jong

Nancy Fielmich attended workshops

“A completely new world has opened up for me.
Life becomes so much easier  the ‘Esther way’”

Nancy Fielmich

Want to become a digital nomad?

Don’t want to reinvent the wheel? Check out my Digital Nomad workshop video series: inspirational stories from other digital nomads, plus the answers to all your questions about taxes, (de)registration, international company setup and lifestyle.

Want to have 100% certainty on what to do?

For important decisions it is better to have 1-on-1 advice from an expert.
In just one RESULTant session I can tell you exactly what to do – or NOT to do.