Impact & Influence
Pro secrets to Exceptional Social Media

Do you feel that your message on social media does not have the impact it has in ‘real life’?
This course is the key to find your own voice, increase your visibility and to share your gifts with the world.
By using social media in a different way, you can be(come) a true influencer; your messages will have more impact, your opinion will be valued, your messages will be shared and your products and services will be in demand.

“I finally found a way to promote my business that feels good. Not by saying “buy my stuff”, but by providing value first and then linking to a course I am offering. A real eye-opener!”
Nienke, entrepreneur
Speaker and writer Esther Jacobs, who is one of the top 10% of social media influencers worldwide, shares her secrets. She reveals how you, too, can share your gifts, increase your visibility and enhance your (personal) brand by offering lots of added value. This course will show you step by step how to make social media easy, fun and effective.
Even if you are already an experienced social media user or even an influencer, you will learn valuable lessons and enjoy the creative examples.
What’s in it for you?
This course will teach you what to post, how to add value, to find your own voice and express your core values in everything you do. You will learn to turn average posts into exceptional ones. It has almost 8 hours of expert advice, examples and practical tips that you can start applying immediately.
Your social media posts will be unique and interesting, resulting in more people following you, interacting & sharing your message.
Ideal student
You’re an expert in your area (are you an author, speaker, consultant, coach, freelancer?). Maybe you have a gift you want to share with the world.
Anyway, you are good at what you do and people value your work, but somehow your social media does not reflect that (yet).
If you feel this way, this course is going to change everything completely.
Maybe you’ve tried outsourcing your social media (or are considering to do so), but you still feel it doesn’t really reflect your unique take on things. You want your social media to be engaging and effective.
I designed this course specifically for people who already have some social media experience. It’s not about setting up your account, or the technical stuff, just about finding your own voice and adding value.
Learn at your own pace
The videos of this course will be always available, so yo can watch or repeat them whenever you want. The total course of 8 hours is divided in many short videos with clear themes, so you can pick the videos that make most sense to you right now and start learning and applying immediately. No need to watch everything or in a specific order.
Are you ready to make your social media as exceptional as you are?
“I seldom meet people who naturally understand and put in practice social media as we teach it to our students from literature. Esther understands it is about the message, not the messenger, and she explains that perfectly.”
Willemijn van Dolen, Professor of Marketing, University of Amsterdam Business School
“Esther really has me thinking about how self-centered we are in our posting. I am changing my point of view so I can post better and more exciting content.”
“Valuable insights, practical tips, interesting examples; I am ready for action!”
“Esther knows her stuff and she practices what she preaches.”
Cat, freelancer
“Clear valuable examples”
Paulien, entrepreneur
“I’ve been long aware of the importance of social media, but only when Esther clearly explained her take on it did I see the bigger picture and how powerful it is for branding.”
Melanie Richards, Brand & Digital Strategist @
“Even for branding professionals, Esther’s course is refreshing and fun, because of her unique take and the many inspiring examples she uses.”
Martijn Baarda, Brand Architect – GROWINSKY
“Only 30 minutes into the course I saw 3 weak spots in my social media and how to fix them. Now I have my strategy down and know exactly what to do”
Till Carlos, Entrepreneur
“I was energized by the presentation, the concepts are very interesting. I can’t wait to start to use this information to reach my goals on Social Media.”
“lively and authentic and heartful”
“It’s great! got so much knowledge about what mistakes we intentionally or unintentionally make when posting up on a social media.”
“An eye-opener! Found myself doing mostly ‘look at me’ in social media. It’s really not about me”
“In the digital world that we live in, it’s important not to forget to show who you are online. I really like how the course gives you guiding principles to work with.”
“I’ve got professional experience with social media but struggled with coming up with content for my posts. With Esther’s tips, in less than two weeks I posted 4 long posts and increased my Klout score from 29 to 47.”
The 8 hour (!) course is packed with value and addressed these topics in short ‘bite sized’ videos and assignments:
1. No Excuses! – Mentality shift
- “It feels like work”
- “I don’t have time for social media”
- “I feel uncomfortable putting myself in the spotlight”
- “I don’t know what to post”
- “I tried it already and it’s not working for me”
- “Why not delegate my social media to an agency or virtual assistant?”
2. Assess your current social media situation
- Measuring your impact and influence
- Which platforms should you use?
3. Personal branding: skills, personality and values
- How to build a strong brand
- Examples of strong personal branding
4. Let your core values guide you
- Determine your core values
- How to use them as a guideline in everything you do
5. The perfect bio: enhance your brand
- Bio do’s and don’ts
- Examples of creative bio’s
- An image says more than a 100 words: your picture should complement your bio
- How to reflect your core values in your bio
6. How to post valuable content
- Remember: it’s not about you!
- What to post
- How to add value to a post
- How to make your posts interesting and attractive
- This should feel like fun – not work
7. Making a great first impression
- Do the ‘stranger test’
- Clean up your timeline and always pay special attention to your last five posts
- Develop your personal social media rules
8. Secret features of specific platforms you should know and use
9. Interaction with your audience
- The action is in the interaction: likes vs comments
- Checklist: priority actions when you have limited social media time
- Smart use of tags and hashtags
- How to connect with influencers
- The devil is in the details (examples of exceptional interaction)
10. How to promote and sell by adding value
- Think like a publisher, not a marketeer
- 8 tactics to make your promotions more successful
Bonus: Visual storytelling
- The power of storytelling
- How to share a story with a limited number of characters
- Don’t forget the hook and call to action!
- Quick Wins. The 10 most important (tech) tips for your pictures, videos and vlogs
Bonus: Inspiration: the possibilities are endless
- Inspiring and creative examples of unusual social media campaigns
- Ever thought of using your WiFi network and password for marketing?
- Don’t wait for something good to happen: make it happen!
- Recognize and seize opportunities
Wrap up
What have we learned and where do we go from here?
I recently found out that I am one of the top 10% of social media influencers in the world, just below Madonna and above Angela Merkel. This is surprising, because I am from The Netherlands, which is only a tiny country, and I have a relatively small following. I am certainly not as famous as these ladies.
My secrets to being a top influencer are:
- Be authentic
- It’s not about you
- Always provide added value
I learned how to be successful offline first, long before social media started. I collected €16 million for charities by figuring out how free publicity works. I have been featured in the media over 750 times and I have been on most of the TV shows in my country various times. I still apply the same principles to everything I do, and it works. In this course, I will show you exactly what to do (and what NOT to do) to make your social media exceptional.